The Boating Industry Association Ltd in Australia today announced a restructure designed to adapt to disruptions and changing business and consumer needs associated with COVID-19 whilst continuing to deliver upon its core functions for the boating industry and the boating public.

BIA President Darren Vaux said the unprecedented and sustained nature of COVID-19 and associated changes in both member and consumer behaviour and expectations had been the catalyst for the Board of Directors to re-evaluate its short and long-term priorities and consequently restructure the organization to respond to these changing requirements.

“The changes announced today, which include the loss of 4 positions and changes to other roles, will support the BIA in managing the association’s financial position and business functions disrupted by COVID while adapting to the current and future needs of the association’s key stakeholders,” Vaux said. “This restructure will ensure our commitment to support boating businesses and jobs, and the boating lifestyle across Australia, is more focused. Such work is important now more than ever.”

“COVID and the resulting disease control measures have led to a paradox,” Vaux said. “The boating industry is experiencing record levels of interest and sales for boat builders, brokers and retailers as Australians rightly opt for boating as an outdoor leisure activity of choice, while the association’s traditional source of revenue from events such as boat shows has evaporated due to severe limitations on gathering.”

“We looked into a wide range of options and alternatives to try and preserve the entire team and to redeploy team members to other roles. Unfortunately, this was not possible. Whilst the whole BIA team have performed at an exemplary level over many years, it was simply the unprecedented global pandemic and its dramatic and sustained impact on the operations and finances of the association, particularly in the delivery of events, that drove the decision to reduce the size of the team and refocus the Association.”

Vaux concluded by saying the BIA would continue to drive outcomes consistent with its core objectives including:
•    Growing participation in recreational boating
•    Strengthening our government relations and associated support for the boating industry and boating community
•    Expanding our professional development and career pathways and training capabilities.

“In the meantime, the BIA has now readied itself to be able to adapt quickly to changing future circumstances and deliver outcomes that are in the best interest of our members,” Vaux said.

Media contact: Neil Patchett m 0418 279 465;

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