It was an honor to this week accept, on behalf of the BIA Ltd, an invitation to join the executive of the the International Federation of Boat Show Organisers (IFBSO).

IFBSO represents the world’s leading boat shows and is dedicated to helping member organisations mount cost-effective, quality exhibitions for the recreational marine industry around the world, by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and the development of co-operation between members. IFBSO also encourages its members to commit to environmental sustainability concerning all aspects of their individual shows and for them to appeal to their customers to do the same.

New President of IFBSO Niels Klarenbeek reached out to BIA to get more involved in this valuable international collabortion and it was an irresistable opportunity to build on this signfiicant partnership. Particilarly has Niels has served as director of the phenominal global marine event METSTRADE (Amsterdam) for four years. He has successfully steered the world’s largest marine tradeshow through the challenging pandemic period and helping it grow into its current prominent form.

As Niels said: “Boat shows are a vital showcase for the boating industry, bringing products and boaters together. Nowhere else can consumers so extensively view and compare the industry’s offerings to make informed decisions,” said Klarenbeek.

“IFBSO’s mission is to foster cooperation among exhibition operators and advance the industry to better meet the needs of customers and adapt to rapid changes. I am thrilled about the opportunity to lead the continuous development of the exhibition industry through IFBSO.”

The IFBSO Annual General Meeting was held recently and confirmed the new Board of Directors, which includes Treasurer Andrew Scott (BIA Australia), Felix Klaarman (Interboot, Friedrichshafen), Daniel Barkowski (Boot & Fun, Berlin), Jussi Kivikari (Helsinki International Boat Show), Jennifer Thompson (NMMA, USA), Jerry Flaxman (Atlantic City Boat Show, USA), Anne Dunbar (IBEX, USA) and Niels Klarenbeek (METSTRADE, Amsterdam).

For the BIA, this is a golden opportunity to grow the value of the Sydney International Boat Show which is now the next major boating event on the calendar here in Australia. The recently completed Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show and the Sydney International Boat Show are part of the IFBSO calendar of internationally recognising events. And I must say congratulations to our industry partners for delivering the recent cluster of events from Australian Superyacht and Marine Export (ASMEX) Conference, to SCIBS, to Marinas24; it has been an excellent week or two to showcase the boating sector.

As to the Sydney International Boat Show, we are now pulling out all stops to deliver a wonderful event for our members, exhibitors, partners and public over four days in Darling Harbour. Plenty of preparatory work has already been done but there is much more to do as we approach the event which this year is expected to attract more than 50,000 people to a show that last year returned an ecomonic output of $345 million and created 980 jobs.

The Show has also proven itself as high value to the public with surveys revealing 71% of attendees agree the Show helps to promote and educate a healthy lifestyle through boating. While 85% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the event helps to promote and educate boating as a social and/or family activity. 75% strongly agreed or agreed that the Show helps to promote participation in boating to people of all ages, genders, abilities, and budgets.

The BIA aims to build upon the successes of last year and that includes expanding the Discover Boating promotions both in the Halls and the Darling Harbour public domain, and in the lead-in advertising/marketing campaign.

The IFBSO show calendar can be found here which lists the Sydney International Boat Show 1-4 August as its next major international boat show after Hamburg ancora Yacht Festival 31 May to 2 June.

See you on the water.

Andrew Scott, CEO