The previous CEO column in eNews focused on our strategic key priorities under Industry Programs, Products and Services, with news on our work to support BIA Divisions and Brokerage. Today’s column will revisit our Jobs, Skills and Training priorities and in particular our support of Marine Jobs and the Boating Industry Academy.
BIA is working across multiple jurisdictions to support the Jobs, Skills and Training priorities on behalf of our membership.
At a National level BIA has worked with the Federal Government to ensure value and demand for boatbuilding and shipwrights continues to be recognised on the national Skills Priority List. BIA advocated since March 2023 with Jobs and Skills Australia, and with the Apprenticeship Operations Division, Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
BIA ran a member survey in April 2023 to highlight the value and demand for these two trades. The survey provided evidence to the Federal Government that the demand for shipwrights was solid with more than 50% of respondents describing demand as ‘strong’ and demand for boatbuilding as ‘very strong’. The good news is the Skills Priority List has these two trades listed.
BIA is also working to encourage and provide flexibility, innovation and remote training where appropriate to assist young people in managing course participation especially those who live and work in regional areas, a long way from TAFE training centres,
BIA also represent industry on the national Jobs and Skills Council reference groups for marine construction and marine mechanics, and will use such platforms to press for positive outcomes for marine jobs into the future.
Last week we attended several meetings related to jobs and skills, and that included meeting with the Boating Industry Academy members (within the Gold Coast Marine Precinct and other greater Yatala / GC areas). We also participated in a Boating Industry Academy Open Day with our Training and Education delivery partner the Australian Industry Trade College (AITC), at the Gold Coast City Marina dry stack. Thanks indeed GCCM for their collaboration for this event and the ongoing support of the Boating Industry Academy program.
I would also like to mention efforts towards the retention of people in our industry. It was interesting at our meetings last week to hear how some of the industry members are retaining staff including with some significant employee benefits. In the coming eNews circulars, we shall be sharing their stories of attraction and retention.
The Boating Industry Academy program which is proudly supported by the City of Gold Coast, has been running for the last 12 months, with good success and is on track as planned. We currently have 23 young people enrolled in the program, with expectations of expansion to around 38 young people being booked in for a January 2024 start. The partnership between the AITC and BIA Ltd is forecast at circa 70 young people to be rolling through the program each year, it is a long-term approach to attracting and retaining young people in our industry via a sustainable pipeline of talented people who are eager to work in the domestic marine industry.
We are in discussions with the AITC about the opportunity to expand the Boating Industry Academy within SEQ. We will be discussing this at our forum events on the 24 October 2023.
More information and news on the Boating Industry Academy will be delivered to members during our QLD BIA Forums on 24 and 25 October 2023, and at an AITC evening on 6 November 2023. Please keep the dates clear and register interest at info@bia.org.au.
BIA encourages all marine industry members, looking to engage young people in their businesses, to consider the Boating Industry Academy. The commitment includes a fee for Marketing with all funds used by the AITC to promote, attract and secure young people who are eager and committed to a career in the domestic marine industry.
This Saturday 21 October 2023, is the GOLD COAST MARINE CAREERS OPEN DAY! 9am-2pm at the Gold Coast Marine Precinct, Coomera. Under the Marine Jobs brand, the Careers Open Day is headed by David Good, CEO of AIMEX and Superyacht Australia. Come and join the industry and encourage contacts to visit the precinct, to see what the marine industry has to offer job seekers. Please refer to www.aimex.asn.au for further information and contact Adam Chanter on achanter@aimex.asn.au.
Andrew Scott