Mr Darren Vaux
Boating Industry Association Ltd

Dear Mr Vaux

COVID-19 Essential Maritime Infrastructure and Support for the Boating Industry

The Minister for Transport has asked me to thank you for your correspondence dated 20 March 2020 regarding COVID-19 essential maritime infrastructure, and to respond on her behalf. I am also responding to your correspondence dated 25 March 2020 to the Director General Transport.

I acknowledge the Coronavirus (COVID-19) State of Emergency is having and will continue to have a big impact on WA’s maritime and tourism industries, including businesses operating from Department of Transport (DoT) operated boat harbours and marinas.

Department of Transport (DoT) maritime facilities are identified as essential and many of our customers, including lessees and tourism charter and fishing industry customers, are also delivering essential services. The Government is also encouraging businesses across the State that can operate under COVID-19 guidelines to remain open.

Recreational boating continues to remain popular further supporting the need for boat servicing businesses to remain open. While we are encouraging recreational boaters to stay at home where they can, it is not banned and boat ramps remain open. DoT is communicating to the boating public the importance of making informed decisions and has developed a list of frequently asked questions that can be found at:

The State Government has also waived rental payments for six months for all small businesses and association lessees within DoT’s small boat harbours and maritime facilities, effective 1 April 2020. This assistance positively impacts 170 businesses, totalling $6.4 million in rental relief.

In relation to your query regarding security of lease tenure, the Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020 will introduce a moratorium on evictions for small commercial tenancies and provide a range of other measures to offer support for tenants in response to COVID-19. You may like to direct your members to the Small Business Development Corporation which has created a COVID-19 coronavirus assistance centre. To access the service, contact 133 140 or email

I can also assure you that DoT is continuing work on its planned maritime infrastructure projects. We have received clear direction from the Minister to continue to deliver outcomes for the maritime sector and DoT are pushing ahead on projects.

If you require further information, please contact Ms Donna West, Director Coastal Facilities Management, on 94357541 or via email to

Yours sincerely

Iain Cameron
Managing Director

28 / 4 / 2020

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