Workplace Health & Safety management for the marine sector
Marine Card is the marine industry’s Workplace Health & Safety induction card.
Industry employees, contractors, and workers, along with DIY boat owners, use the card as evidence that they have participated in the Marine Card induction. Marinas, boatyards and other marine worksites accept the card, often as a condition of entry to the site.
For businesses
Designed to improve WHS practices, build better systems of compliance, increase safety awareness and streamline the registration and sign-in process for visitors entering marine sites to undertake work activities.
It assists marine businesses in understanding their obligations and duties to employees, contractors, customers and other visitors regarding the safety of people working on site, and also those undertaking such works to others around them.
For contractors
Under modern WHS law, everyone in a workplace has responsibility for safety, regardless of whether you are a contractor or work for an employer, boatyard or similar facility. Marine Card provides a means to identify those who have been inducted in WHS, using a training program tailored to reflect the risk profile of the marine sector.
The Marine Card induction involves an informative overview of risk, and risk management in marine industry workplaces. It includes modules on legislation, basic knowledge of obligations under WHS Act 2011, hazard identification and risk assessment, material safety data sheets, safety signage, safe work method statements, and assessments to check understanding. You should allow two hours to compete the online induction.